Tired I took the zeppelin in the other direction for a bit of an adventure and discovered a few new places where I was wary to get off, deep outside horde territory. I hid in the bows and waited until we got back to the world of orcs where I patiently sought out my shamanic trainer who, for a change, gave me a few new spells and upgrades.
Armed thus I wandered out into the desert (with a new axe) but felt drained of the will to live when I saw the endless sands again.
I decided to seek out the lands to the north west and eventually made my way to stone talon mountains, which, it gravely informed me, was contested territory.

Still, I pushed on, and started to do a task which involved killing a handful of taurean nasty guys, but after about 10 of them I lost interest (short attention span on this day) and wandered into the hills, eventually finding a little troll settlement where they even had some quests for me. Mind you, they were about lvl 18 quests and a bit tough...
I headed for the cave and the spiders and almost died battling some insignificant creature on the way.
I hearth stoned back to the miserable desert.

Sounds good, I think, and spend half an hour actually getting there, avoiding all the level 18 beasts in the southern barrens on the way.
Once inside though, it's green trees and asps all over again. There's a little village, but only one quest I can seem to do. Everyone will trade with me, but doesn't want me to do anything, which is a shame, as I like the land a lot. I explore and find a lot of nice places, including Thunder Bluff where I actually get a harpy feather quest which takes about 20 minutes to do. But that's it. Nice to explore, nice people, pleasant land, but nothing for me to do.

I do the secret pool quest, okay, I kill raptors and bring heads, find, I kill zebras, and everything else asked of me, and it takes an age. I can't get the bloody control panel quest from Ratchet done though. I die three times, even with help. Bastards. I just need to push one button now, but it's so hard that I give up and go and kill zebras with my pleasant searing totem instead.

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