11 February 2006

Level 12 - Deep Sea and Puddlejumpers

Not much to report - lots of wandering around Tirisfal Glades and sourrounding area. I pick up a couple more quests and kill another minor boss at the mills. This all involves a lot of running between places again - my main gripe at the moment.

I sneak past the mills to the bleak but pretty northern coast and leap of a cliff into the sea (for a laugh). I plunge into the water and don't die, which is good. I'm adrift in a very deep place. A new monitor app
ears - fatigue. And a helpful hint pops up - If you swim into deep water and your fatigue reaches zero, you'll start to drown.

I look around, under the water, waiting for a huge shark-like beast to appear, but none do. Maybe I'm just lucky.

I swim east and find a beach full of creatures called puddlejumpers, which are pretty easy for me to kill, and they happen to drop quest items for a quest I forgot I had. I kill about six when two guys appear and kill all the rest. We stare at each other as we wait for the puddlejumpers to regenerate. I log off.

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