All this running around is making me slightly edgy. It takes many, many minutes to run here, and then there, and then back again... And an annoying number of quests seem to have me going from one end of the map to the other, constantly. Almost as if they are trying to make the quests last a long time, but not in a good way.
Anyway, while I'm in the area I decide to complete a couple of quests at the Barrens crossroads (a long run indeed). There I do so and also find another five or so of them (quests that is). I also manage to find my next shamanic contact who tells me to go and climb a large mountain (miles away) to talk to yet another shaman. Luckily I've found this mountain path before (exploring aimlessly), but the man at the top wouldn't speak to me when I did.
So, run, run, run, minutes pass. I climb the mountain, it all takes time. This time the guy does speak to me and he starts off by saying,
'Ah I'm sorry you've wasted your journey, it is a long way up and the path is far from safe...'

'Ah, but you have a token and understand, sorry, you see, many adventurers find me and I have to turn them away...'
Hmm, I think. I know what's coming.
'Now bring me some animal parts and something from a cave hidden away somewhere full of monsters and I'll make you a fire totem.'
I emote a sigh and run back down the mountain (fighting an urge to leap from the top into the river - I wonder if I'd die, or just land in the water safely?)
I can't face the desert any more, so hearthstone-teleport it back to Brill, in the world of the undead, and complete a couple of minor quests. I'm about 2000xp away from lv 13 but can't face any more quests tonight.

After this, I leave the city via the sewers and run west, for fun and to explore, and discover the starting point for the new undead - a kind of shllow grave where I suppose you appear. The quests there don't seem open to me, but I wander around killing pretty (evil-looking) spiders and increasing my axe skill slowly.
Bored in the end, I log off. Level 13 can wait.
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