Bit of a gap in the log there. No good reason, I'm just a bit slack.
Well, I hung around in the Barrens for a while, whittling down the crossroads quests (which seem never-ending), killing lots of lizards for various body parts, lions for other body parts, centaurs for access to their mushrooms and ponds and quill boars generally for fun.

Then there were things to do planting seeds at the bottom of lakes, killing turtles in lakes like this, and hanging out near clams and things.
I accidentally took a ship from Ratchet in the south east and ended off in a scarily high-level place in the eastern kingdoms. I hid on the ship until it turned round and went back. On the way back I spied an island not too far from the ship and, on the spur of the moment leapt from the ship and started to swim towards it (as many of us have often wanted to do on board ferries I think).

I imagined large sharks, evil whales, etc as I swam. My fatigue bar counted down, but I made it okay and sneaked around the beach looking through the palm fronds. Some people, gathered around a metal door in the floor. Hmm. I wander over and they aren't hostile, and, in fact, ignore me.

I peer into the depths beneath the lattice-work door. Nothing there. I find a building, but it's empty. No-one wants to talk to me. I get bored and start to swim towards Ratchet, on the way killing some challenging slimeshell beasts.

Next it is back to the Sepulchre and I explore the area and do a few quests, levelling up on the way. I discover nasty spiders and werewolves. The 'moonrages' are best killed from the roof above their mine. They wander out and wonder what the hell is happening as you cast multiple shocks at them from above.

Then back to the barrens to visit my shamanic teacher (nothing new), herbalist (some things) and alchemist (also a few new things).
I join a large group of people sacking booty bay and Northwatch further south and complete about 4 quests in half an hour. Much fun the group thing after all.

Level up... now 19. Can't wait for 20...
Oh, what else? Yes, I bought a pet. Not a helpful pet. No, an expensive prairie dog that I can call with a silver whistle. Nice. Tough. Manly.