09 February 2007

What happened here?

Always nice to come home and find bones strewn around the place...

Where am I?

One for all the WoW explore geeks out there.... Where is this? Note the saw-tooth shapes...

Level 41 - Messing about

I really just can't be arsed to embark on those big, tedious, difficult quests full of ganking idiots...

So I'm doing my backlog of old, easy quests that don't give much xp, but do bring a whole lot of satisfaction in kicking so much arse...

31 January 2007


Yes, yes, I know, months and no posts. I was disturbed to find out that some people actually used to read this and were sad when it stopped! Well, I ask, why the hell didn't you post some encouraging comments then, hmm?

Well, I'm still playing, but not so much, just a few hours a week, which explains why I'm only level 41 at the moment...

I'll try and start to post again...

And you try and leave some comments!